Friday 12 July 2013

Musical Profile: Mabel

Ever since I started looking at the parts in Pirates, the one that stood out as the most challenging and the one that will demand the most from the actress is Mabel.

Obviously, there is the weight of expectation on whoever is to play the part. Mabel is the archetypal G&S heroine. A combination of damsel in distress and independent songstress, a large part of Pirates success will depend on the casting of Mabel.

As an MD, what I'll be looking for in the audition more than anything is vocal dexterity. As well as the ability to hit the high notes we would expect of a lead soprano, G&S have written a number of vocal ornamentations in the music. Especially during Act 1, you can see below the type of runs et al that the actress will have to be capable of:

There are some parts that require 'ad.lib' but, here, the actress must have the ability to sing what is written with precision.

Before an ad.lib section in 'Poor Wand'ring One', a trill is needed to be performed for several bars, which isn't an easy thing to sustain.

There are also large sections of runs and scales in Mabel's part,  which will require dedication from the actress to practice and learn to perform. 

Of course, the other thing that will have to be seen in the auditions is the range of the auditionee, especially their upper register. Especially for Mabel, not just the ability to reach the high notes is required, but the ability to sustain that dexterity and lightness in her voice. Again, in 'Poor Wand'ring One', there are bars upon bars of light staccato high Abs that simply cannot be ignored or half-attempted. Those notes must be hit with definition and confidence.

Poor Wand'ring One
The final quality, that is an amalgamation of everything said previously, is the ability to jump from octave to octave seamlessly. Needless to say, this is something required in the part. And also, the ability to ad.lib. This is either going to require considerable work with the right voice to teach them ad.lib sections, or the actress will have to have musical knowledge of how to ad.lib and how to do it in tune, in key and in the right style.


Despite all of what's been said, it's an incredible part. But not the only part for females, and in many ways, not the best. There are some amazing alto parts in this show, so, watch this space.

Mabel is a hard part, but it's well worth it.

Your Loving MD,

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